Chiara ZarmatiTorino, Italy
about Chiara
Chiara Zarmati is an Italian illustrator and writer. She studied illustration at IED in Turin. Her thesis project was also her first published book "Sempre, sogna", written and illustrated entirely by her. Following school, she studied at MiMaster in Milan where she collaborated with various newspapers, magazines and editors. Last year, she traveled to New York for an exhibition and there started working for a wine importer, designing wine labels, banners and stand construction. Currently she is based out of Berlin and also collaborating with IlluSalon on the realization of children's books. She also freelances for several Italian companies, creating logos, labels and animated illustrations. Selected Clients:
New York Times - Well New York Times - Fashion and Style TIME The Atlantic Harvard Magazine La Roche Posay Nature La Stampa Corriere della Sera WirtscaftsWoche Magazine Health Magazine The Milaneser Bulletin Magazine Donna Moderna Futura - Corriere della Sera Switch Magazine |